Fair starts in

The fair has closed. The next fair will start on Thursday March 20th 12pm

Books of Wonder

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Peter Glassman

42 West 17th Street
New York, NY, 10011
United States

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 2129893475
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Children's Books, Illustrated Books, Oziana

Books of Wonder

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Shipping and Returns

Shipping will be calculated based on address. All items are returnable for a full discount within 30 days of purchase.

Open Times

7 Days a Week, 11am-6pm.

Additional Information

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Books of Wonder is New York City's premier store for children's books. Founded in 1980, the store has locations in both Chelsea and the Upper West Side. Books of Wonder features a carefully curated selection of the finest books currently available for young readers as well as vintage, old, rare, and collectible editions for collectors and those looking for long lost treasures. We also feature a gallery of original children's book art, limited edition prints, and collectible posters.