Fair starts in

John Bale Books LLC

Contact Dealer for Inquiries

The fair has closed. The next fair will start on Thursday March 20th 12pm

John Bale Books LLC

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Dan Gaeta

94 West Walk
West Haven, CT, 06516
United States

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 203-232-4338
Cell: 203-232-4338
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John Bale Books LLC

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Shipping and Returns

Discounts for trade. Text, email, or call to either purchase, hold or inquire about any or multiple items. Domestic shipping $8. Contact us for international or premium shipping options.  Be sure to check out our weekly book auction on USIANA.COM

Open Times

Text any time, email if it’s not pressing. 203-232-4338

Additional Information

John Bale Book Co. has permanently closed its Waterbury store. Returns and any correspondence should be sent to our mailing address: 94 West Walk, West Haven, CT 06702. Logo artwork by Edith Reynolds, https://www.edithreynolds.com/ Please note—We no longer run an open shop—this is neither a shop address nor a warehouse. Thank you.

Check out  our weekly sales through a local auction company— low starting prices, no reserve, with shipping options.